Sunday, May 6, 2012


  Cathy and Wanda arrived at Cretaiole yesterday from Pisa.  Wanda was able to manage to get back into the groove of driving a stick shift with only a couple of stalls at traffic lights in Siena.  Horns honked with impatience but Wanda was unflappable. She did however have difficulty getting the car into reverse.  The car had been parked for pull out at the rental car lot, so it wasn't known until leaving Volterra that getting the reverse gear to work was a bit tricky.  Cathy checked the glove box for a manual.  Empty.  So, for awhile at least, the rule was to avoid pulling the car into a place where backing up was required.  Once outside of Siena, Wanda found a large parking lot. She was determined to figure out how to put the car into reverse before they found themselves in a position where they had to have it and couldn't use it.  Various combinations used, pushing on the gear shift, pulling on the gear shift. They were at the point of not knowing what the magic trick was for reverse gear, when Wanda pulled up on the chrome ring around the gear shift.  Hooray!  She could finally drive in reverse.  Who would have thought to do that?  It had been five years since she had driven a manual transmission and obviously there had been some subtle manufacturing changes.
  Roundabouts..along the way there were many and the girls had a love-hate relationship with them. They required having to really pay attention to road signs but they also provided the flexibility to keep circling until Cathy had the opportunity to read the signs for a second time in the event something wasn't obvious the first time. This was a great way to prevent navigation errors....and just in case you were wondering....all roads do seem to lead to Rome...or at least there is always a sign indicating so!
Guests were arriving at Cretaiole when the girls pulled up the driveway.  Isabella was outside with other arriving guests. It was a joyous reunion of far away friendships and there were hugs and misty eyes all around.

  The girls were up early despite the late hour the night before.  Cathy was awake around 6:30 a.m. and started the coffee.  Wanda was up shortly after and got a fire going with the coals remaining from the previous night's fire.  After breakfast two loads of laundry were done and hung on drying racks in front of the fire; since there wasn't any sunshine to do the job.  Orientation was today, reviewing the activities for the week and determining which visitors would be participating in the various activities.  

  After orientation, everyone drove out to the farm for a tour of their operation.  We saw their proscuitto, salamis, pecorino romano, wine and vin santo making operations as well as the farm animals and equipment.  There is a John Deer tractor in the barn and some other unique equipment used in the olive groves.  There are chickens, ducks, guineas, bunnies and pigs.

  The clouds were heavy with rain but the rain didn't start falling until the visit at San Gregorio was well underway.  All the visitors were in the wine cellar when it started to pour.  Showers remained intermittent throughout the afternoon.

  With some purchased aged pecorino romano cheese in hand, the girls headed back to their apartment.

  The rain subsided and Wanda went out for a walk and Cathy headed for the garden to gather ingredients for a salad to accompany dinner.  The garden had been planted but due to being so early in the growing season, only onions, lettuce and some arugla were available.  Some rosemary springs were gathered as well, to season the chicken.
  The apartment is cozy with the fire blazing and crackling on the dreary, damp afternoon. 

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