Saturday, May 19, 2012

Journey to Monterosso al Mare

The View
Mid week the girls found themselves making a late morning journey, by train (seriously, this was the only option), to Monterosso.  Upon arrival, they followed directions specifically and soon found themselves climbing the many steps to Cathy's friend Daniella's home.  They were to visit for the day and enjoy lunch with Daniella.

Daniella has a lovely home with an outside kitchen (Cathy was drooling) with the most amazing view of the sea.  On a clear day you can see Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore.  Upon arrival, there was a bit of haze, but it burned off and showed the view in all it's glory. 

Outdoor Kitchen
Speaking of glory!  There is no better words to describe the amazing lunch we had while there.  It was absolutely glorious.  Daniella outdid herself!  Both girls helped Daniella prepare the lunch they shared while they chatted and Daniella told them about the house renovations she and her husband had made, landmarks within view as well as when market day was, the best route to take on the hiking trails, etc.

Following are our photos from the visit with Daniella.
Nothing store bought from Kansas or Indiana dares rival the freshness of the vegetables from the markets

Work table where Cathy and Wanda helped Daniella prepare lunch.  
You all know Cathy and Wanda are not slouches, they were willing to work for their lunch.  They rolled up their sleeves and gave Daniella a hand!

Wanda picked basil leaves for fresh pesto while Cathy paused to enjoy a cappuccino!

...and as you can see, she got a little  "frisky" with the basil. 
Does anyone know if basil has catnip like properties for humans? 
Cathy and Daniella would bet money it does based on the group photo debacle 
(if you want to know, you'll have to ask Wanda, we're not telling)!

Cathy chopped the tomatoes (yes, despite the fact she's not a fan).  
Honestly, who could resist these beauties!

The fresh fish headed for the oven, stuffed to the gills (I know bad pun) with garlic, rosemary and fresh slices of lemon.  Mr. Fish was sprinkled with sea salt a dousing of white wine and then spent around an hour in the oven.

The pesto was partially made the ancient way with a mortar and pestle and when the girls' arms tuckered out they switched to the more modern implement, the food processor.

The remains of the pesto in the food processor bowl was augmented with some sun dried tomatoes, among other ingredients, and turned into a red pesto.  It was served as you see here simply on some toasted bread, topped with arugula and a healthy drizzle of olive oil.  This was so delicious!

Big smiles....can't wait to try this!

The pesto was used to make a Pesto Lasagna which was very unique and delicious.

Don't you just want to dig your fork into this? Mmmmm

Then Cathy chopped vegetables for a slow braised chicken dish that was so
 tender and flavorful that it melted in your mouth.  
Simple ingredients and fantastic flavor!

Here's the fish, plated and served simply with roasted asparagus, shallots and a drizzle of olive oil.

and no meal is complete without dolce!
An apple cake that is more apple than cake, simply made in a pie pan.

 Another view from the terrace.....a retirement home.....
Cathy and Wanda want to know where to sign up!

What resembled the round green jug in this photo?
Let's just say both girls felt fat and happy following such a wonderful meal 
and fun times visiting their friend!

 Grazie Mille Daniella!  We look forward to visiting again!

Here's to

Good friends....
    Great food....
         Good times!!!!


Anonymous said...

Interesting content on the other hand I would like to explain to you that I think there is trouble with your RSS feeds when they appear to not be working for me. Might be just me but I was thinking I would suggest it.

Cathy Briles said...

Thanks for the tip about the RSS feed. I had missed a configuration setting that allowed the photos to display in the RSS feed, so only captions were showing, making it look weird. It should be working appropriately now.