Monday, April 30, 2012

Bella Terra

Wanda and Cathy arrived in Corniglia approximately 5 pm local time.  What a travel day it was!  Everything went smoothly until it was time to catch the local train from La Spezia.  The girls checked with information to obtain accurate track information for the train they needed.  Unfortunately, the information given was for a train that just left, so there was no way the girls could catch it.  So the second trail at 4:45 became plan B.  Much to the girls, dismay, the plan had to be delayed another 20 minutes.  While waiting, they were chatting with another couple from Great Britain. They went to look at the schedules and they identified that the train Cathy and Wanda were planning on taking did not stop at Corniglia, the town where the girls were staying.

Thank goodness these folks identified an issue for the girls and saved them from traveling to Monteroso and finding out that they were not on the right train.

Once in Corniglia, the took the green shuttle bus into town, called their contact, Cristiana, to meet them and were shown to their apartment by her son, Gabriel.  On their way to the apartment, Gabriel asked them were they were from, if they had been to Italy before, which areas of Italy they liked and if they liked Corniglia.  H said he did not like Corniglia and that he wanted to go to America.  He wanted to go to Hollywood and become an actor.  He was a cute kid, maybe he will be successful in his dream.

Climb, climb, climb...they finally arrive at their home for the next 4 days.  It is on the third floor of the building and has the most spectacular view you can imagine....and unfortunately, you will have to imagine because Internet connectivity is limited to a shared terminal and uploading photos is a challenge. 

Cathy and Wanda were more than ecstatic to wriggle out of their heavy backpacks and bags of camera gear.  Time for some food, off they go to visit Cristiana at her cafe for a bite to eat, followed by gelato!  Yep, gotta have gelato!  They ate their panini and gelato sitting on park benches in the piazza with an ancient church in the background.  They will investigate the church tomorrow.  A quick stop at the Alamentari for some breakfast supplies and back to the apartment for a much needed sleep!

Their adventures will continue tomorrow....but for now buona notte!

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