Sunday, April 8, 2012

27 Days and Counting

Sitting in the admitting room at the Olathe hospital, waiting a trip to the lab for routine blood work, Cathy checked her email.  There was a brief e-mail from Wanda with the message "call me".... Not used to getting those types of e-mails from Wanda...Cathy called Wanda immediately.  A wrinkle had occurred in the travel flight plans and adjustments had to be made.  From that point on, everything else deemed "important" for the day went on hold and the girls went into resolution mode. 

Several texts messages later and a few hours on the computer; searching on discount airline ticket websites as well as major airline websites; lots of online chat on Yahoo Messenger; and with a few e-mails the girls had the wrinkle ironed out!   The travel adjustments resulted in extending the trip an extra day!  Whoo Hoo!!  Now who could complain about that!! 

Once the travel arrangements were settled, Wanda went about her day.  Cathy continued wearing her "travel agent" hat and searched for accommodations near the airport, in an effort to avoid the pricey airport accommodations.  A search of the Trip Advisor website, for hotels in Fiumicino, came up empty for reasonably priced accommodations. But, a gem of a Bed and Breakfast with rave reviews was found.  Cathy  initiated correspondence with the owner to determine availability and pricing.  Mere hours later, arrangements were set and an e-mail sent to Wanda that they had a place to stay. 

Technology is amazing. It is mind-boggling to pause and reflect on how seamlessly communications can occur with someone half-way around the world. Agreements and arrangements can be made within just a few hours, even minutes sometimes!  

So all is settled....the final day of the trip will be spent leisurely exploring the Mediterranean seaside town of Fiumicino; which is typically known for little more than the location of the Rome airport.

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